5th Annual Peppermints and PJs

"Everybody's got plans . . . until they get hit."

Mike Tyson said that and boy, did I get hit!!!  It felt like Iron Mike himself delivered the blow!  My plans for Peppermints and PJs 2011 were BIG! It was going to be the 5th year and I wanted to really do something special but my body had other ideas.

 My wonderful friends and family were firm believers that the show must go on and, on Saturday, December 18th, I was blessed with a surprise Peppermints and PJs party!!  

Everyone contributed!  A decorated tree magically appeared.  Marcy took me to Starbucks, which was a BIG treat during that time.  When I returned, the house was filled with beautiful, smiling faces.  Friends brought food, drink AND PJs!  Alma even hosted a brunch and collected pajamas there. Janiscia had every memento from that last four parties.  In addition to the pajamas collected for the clients of Safe Haven, I was presented with a pair of PJs embroidered with Fleur De Pink custom artwork by Jamal Nickson.  The house was not buried in red and white stripes and was an abbreviated event but it was a special celebration, none the less.  

Because I was on "limited duty", the delivery of the PJs was coupled with a field trip to my doctor's office.  D'Andre was a huge help and the staff at SafeHaven were very appreciative.

Each year, the party leaves me with a heart full of joy and gratitude, the 2011 event left me especially happy and thankful.